akane42me (akane42me) wrote in mfu_canteen,

Gurnius? Did someone say Gurnius?

This is the Gurnius quiz I made for the MFU50 Re-Watch!

Give it a try! I guarantee, if you have the quiz at hand while you watch the episode, it's easy!

All you have to do is stop watching Pretty Illya and Poor Hurty Napoleon long enough to find the answers!

Post the answers here while you watch the episode! Whoever participates will get a Magnificent Prize!
*cough* Depending on your definition of magnificent!

1) How much has Thrush invested in Gurnius'operation? What is the name of the Thrush representative?

2) Calling all cars: What is the license plate number of Solo and Kuryakin's car?

3) Who said it? 'Who needs an army when we can control the thoughts of man?'

4) Where did the ambulance grabbed by Von Estke and Nexor break through UNCLE's roadblocks?

5) What is the name of the prison holding Von Etske? Who is its Commandant? How long has he been the Commandant?

6) What is Von Etske's prison number?

7) What is Marshall Gurnius’ first name?

8) What substance powers Von Etske's brainwashing device? Where is it found?

9) After the United States, what is Gurnius' next target?

10) Who plays Dr. Von Etske? What's his claim to fame in The Man from U.N.C.L.E.?

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