nikadimm (nikadimm) wrote in mfu_canteen,

Need help about Napoleon's scotch

We’ve been discussing Napoleon’s taste in alcohol. Single malt scotch seems to be widespread fanon. But what brand? And will it be one brand at all? Or several – depending on the mood, weather outside, Illya sharing or not sharing drinks with Napoleon etc?
I do not know much about whiskey (I hardly know anything at all about it, really). I know that Russian men tasting whiskey for the first time in life often say that it’s similar to strong Russian homemade drink – samogon, but I think that is a joke mostly. When I drink whiskey at all (a spoonful or two to a glass of cherry or apple juice) I usually choose Johnny Walker – any label, I’ve tasted blue, black, green and red at least – for two foolish reasons which have nothing to do with its taste: first, I like Maxim Leonidov’s song about Johnny Walker and his limited sons, and second, it has funny Russian transliteration Zjen’ka Volkov which I like. I also sometimes drink Chivas – because they don’t have Walker on Aeroflot flights, only Chivas.
And oh yes, the next whiskey I am going to try is McCallum’s. I think they sell it in my favorite supermarket.
But all these are not single malt.
So you see, I really know nothing about single malt scotch. But Napoleon must be a connoisseur. So what brand(s) will he choose? I googled. The Russian-language site offered Banff, Dallas Dhu, Ben Wyvis, Convalmore and St. Magdalene, the English – Laphroaig, Glentromie, Glenross, Dalmore and Glenmorangie.
All I need actually is two-three brands so that Illya can say in my next fanfic: “When you come to a small cosy bar on Manhatten and drink (this) or (this) or (that) I want you to remember our talk here”.
So – what do you think will be Napoleon’s favorite brands of single malt?
Tags: napoleon solo, wine

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