....yes the radiation poisoning is painful, yes the trouble with regeneration is that you never know what you're going to get and yes it's annoying that Wilf was such a muppet to get us killed. But it's not like this hasn't happened before. And we're too sick to NOT regenerate and we should pay attention to the warning sign of the glowing hand. In all honesty it's been visibly obvious things have changed for a couple of years now - like everything has become like living in a futuristic Metropolis of Imperialism. We've blatantly shifted from "post-war recovery industrial-capitalism" to some weird "Concentrated Wealth 21st Century Digital-Capitalism" and it would be foolish to assume there wouldn't be a corresponding weird social change to evolve around. Think of what Revolutions happened cause of the Printing Press, and then realize that the Internet and the Computer are much bigger deals and that if this all the social upheaval we get because of that we'll be lucky. So I'm now arguing let us set our mind to regenerating for the Future. It is entirely possible that if we do this right in the long-term we come out even stronger and wealthier than before. Let's revolutionise properly now, to avoid an actual civil war with actual riots in 50 years. Brainstorm solutions below if you wish.
*End pep talk*
p.s As always we'll take non-British cousin's suggestions as good impartial advice.
p.p.s I think we should also decide what it is we actually WANT out of the brave new world also, so we can think about logical plans about how to get it.