nicki_solo (nicki_solo) wrote in mfu_canteen,

Robert Vaughn Memorial Bench Update 4/4/2017

WOO HOO!! We are only $675 away from making this real! Because of a couple of extremely generous donors we have jumped closer to our final goal! I hope we can pick up the rest by Sunday and I can order the bench on Monday. Right now there is a 10 week production wait. Fingers crossed. Dedication will be November 22, 2017 (his 85th Birthday). I know its an awkward time, the Wednesday before the long Thanksgiving holiday, but it just feels appropriate. I am going to print up a flyer (brochure) with photos and a list of all contributors unless the specify anonymous, no $$ amounts just names. I also am going to see about having it live on Facebook.

If you are a Robert Vaughn fan, please think about helping out. Any amount is welcome and gets us that much closer!

Placed in Ballard Park, the city park located on Main St in Ridgefield, it will be placed at the entrance to Ballard Gardens. Here is where the bench will go. The base will be shored up and the bench secured in place.
Tags: memorial bench, robert vaughn

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