spikesgirl58 (spikesgirl58) wrote in mfu_canteen,

Villain of the week

Villain of the week:Jacques Robespierre (Ronald Long)

Yet another crazy determined to take over the world, this time by destroying France's vineyards. Silly really considering all the other vineyards in the world, but he feels it is the only way to resort virtue to France. Now why that would make the world crumble, well, perhaps that's for another time.

However, with the talent of Sam Rolfe helping with the script, there are some gems, including a nod to "The Most Dangerous Game" and including a very mystifying bout of "what???"

All photos thanks to Lisa' Frame cap library

It was also interesting that Robespierre insisted that white was the color of virtue, just he died wearing black... there is something very telling in that.

Edited because THRUSH hadn't quite gotten to him yet.
Tags: villain of the week

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